Working Towards Inclusivity in Chemistry Toronto

Promoting equity, diversity, and inclusion within the chemistry community through awareness, engagement, and advocacy



International Women’s Day (IWD) is a day to celebrate the women who paved the way and the people who continue to fight for gender parity. This year’s theme for IWD was #PressforProgress since the World Economic Forum’s 2017 Global Gender Gap Report indicates that gender parity is over 200 years away. The theme also complements the overall increase of global activism for women’s equality through movements like #MeToo and #TimesUp.

WICTO hosted its annual IWD event on March 8th at the Department of Chemistry where people could make the pledge to #PressforProgress. Computer stations were set up where participants could select an action on how they will commit to achieve gender parity. These included: (1) maintaining a gender parity mindset, (2) challenging stereotypes and bias, (3) forging positive visibility of women, (4) influencing others’ beliefs/actions, and (5) celebrating women’s achievements. WICTO hoped that this event could educate others on how they can be an ally for women in STEM.

Approximately 35 people from the department dropped by to take part in the online pledge campaign, participate in the photobooth, and enjoy cookies and fruit. This provided an avenue for people to get together and collectively play a part in obtaining gender parity. If you missed the event, you can still make the pledge at

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